She was a source of light, laughter and joy, leaving an unforgettable impact on all who knew her.
Born in Philadelphia, Lori's life journey led her to Cleveland, where she met her loving husband Gary and established a beautiful family. Her radiant warmth and magnetism attracted creative and intelligent, loving and creative souls from every corner of the globe, forming bonds that transcended borders. Lori's magnetic presence and exceptional musical talents were widely recognized and admired by all who had the privilege of entering her light.
A gifted polyglot (one of her favorite words), Lori effortlessly conversed in multiple languages, including English, Yiddish, French, Spanish, and Italian. Her diverse repertoire as a singer knew no bounds, encompassing a wide range of genres such as Yiddish and Klezmer tunes, classic American Standards, R&B, Blues, Ballads, and Rock N' Roll. Her voice had the ability to melt hearts and shake mountains. As an accomplished recording artist, many of her favorite musical pieces shall forever memorialize her inspiring existence and can be enjoyed for free online. Through her captivating performances, she left an indelible impression on the hearts of her audience.
Lori's life was a tapestry of art, music, and education. As a dedicated teacher, she nurtured the minds and hearts of countless students, inspiring them to embrace knowledge and creativity. Her intelligence and passion for learning was truly remarkable.
Her laughter was infectious, and her wit unparalleled. Lori had a unique gift for finding humor in the most unexpected places, effortlessly sharing laughter in multiple languages. She had a heart full of love for everyone she met, making strangers feel like long-lost friends through her warm hugs, bright smiles, and genuine compliments.
A tireless advocate for the wellbeing of all living beings, Lori's love extended beyond humanity to encompass the entire planet. From humans to plants, from rocks to water. She championed causes close to her heart, leaving a legacy of compassion and care for the world she cherished. Lori also spent decades as a dedicated member of the Board of Directors for Workmen's Circle Educational Center of Ohio, a commitment she proudly boasted and maintained until her passing.
In her battle against illness, Lori faced her challenges with grace and dignity, inspiring all who witnessed her strength. She loved fiercely, lived boldly, and brought joy to every moment.
As we bid farewell to Lori, we celebrate the brilliance of her spirit and the beauty of her life. Her memories will forever be etched in our hearts, inspiring us to live with passion, embrace laughter, and extend love to all.
Funeral service will be held graveside at the Workmen’s Circle Cemetery in Parma, Ohio, and will also be livestreamed online and accessible at the link below. In addition, a traditional Shiva will take place at 14500 E Carroll Blvd, University Heights, OH 44118 and on the following schedule:
Shachris Sunday - Thursday 8am
Mincha/Mariv Sunday - Wednesday 8:30pm
Shiva Times - Sunday - Wednesday
11 am - 12:30 pm
2 - 4 pm
7 - 9:30 pm
For additional details, please email [email protected].
In memory of Lori, those who wish may contribute to www.DailyGiving.org, supporting causes dear to her heart.